Connections & Reflections no. 24 is from former Assistant Conductor and multi-talented musician Julie Grindle, who writes to you and shares the video below.
Many thanks to all who have contributed. We welcome contributions and ideas from our readers.
Home Away from Home
Julie accompanies a Messiah Sing in 2009.
I’m so thankful for the Chamber Singers.
As a lifelong professional musician, I was looking for an outlet when my husband David and I moved back to Bloomington in 2001. We had met at IU as grad students, and David was back to teach in the theater dept. I don’t remember how I heard about BCS, but I remember auditioning mid-year (Jan. 2002), and was thankful to join, both as a musical outlet, and to have a night out (we had two VERY small children at that time). The group quickly became a home away from home, and I was happy to serve as Gerry’s assistant beginning in 2003 until we moved to Upstate NY in 2010.
Some of my best memories include our wonderful concerts; the greatest alto section (nothing personal against the other terrific sections 😊); and getting to sing the most beautiful repertoire with outstanding people.
I will also never forget one time when Gerry was recovering from his heart surgery, and I was conducting rehearsals. We were “counting rhythms” and it was such a slog; it was a method Gerry used frequently, and one of which I was also a proponent for learning music. I joked to the choir that, when he returned, we should act excited the next time he asked us to count—and that’s exactly what happened. The first time he asked us to count when he was back, the choir cheered for the counting, and he was so surprised, I thought he might fall off the podium.
Julie Grindle and Greg Geehern, former assistant conductors, return to perform a piano-four-hands part with BCS at the 50th Anniversary Gala.
I’m so thankful that I was able to travel to Bloomington last year for the anniversary celebration. I was able to reconnect with many of you and make music with you again, and for that I’m grateful. I hope that Covid doesn’t keep you from each other any longer than is necessary for your safety. Thank you for everything.
Musical Offering
My song selection is The Road Home. I remember listening with Gerry to the whole CD this comes from as we decided which songs BCS might sing for a concert one year (and I think he later gifted me with the CD). I honestly don’t remember if this song made the cut for the concert, though I imagine it probably did. Its musical and textual beauty are a balm to me, and a reminder of our place in this world, despite everything that is going on. May you find peace and joy in it as well.