Celebrate the Bloomington Chamber Singers’ 50th anniversary with us! Do you have a special memory or photo of your time with us? We want to hear about it! You are encouraged to contribute a fond memory or share a funny, heartwarming, or surprising story. We may get back to you for clarification, but we would love to have a story and a photo from you to add to this page. Submit your story.
See below for some stories we’ve received!
From a BCS retreat in 1998.
Rainelle Krause, 2002-2006
Gerry was one of the first people to introduce me to true musicianship. He went out on a limb and allowed me to join BCS at 14, and it enriched my life and informed my performance practice in ways that still resonate today. I am so grateful to him for his patience, his humor, and his dedication to making music. I would be remiss if I didn’t mention what a lovely group of people BCS seems to attract, as well — there’s just something special about people who make time in their busy lives for the purpose of coming together and creating music. I am now performing internationally in opera (and sometimes aerial silks, simultaneously!), and credit much of my success to the encouragement I received as a young singer with BCS. Thank you!
(Rainelle earned a BM and MM from IU’s Jacobs School of Music; her upcoming season includes Theater Basel in Switzerland, Deutsche Oper Berlin, Opera North Carolina, and Vienna Volksoper)
Kathy Allen, 2009-2015
I graduated from the IU School of Music and when I returned to Bloomington upon retirement, I found this wonderful organization directed by someone I remembered from my previous years in Bloomington. A great director named Gerry Sousa. I loved BCS with all my heart. I think everyone was well aware of that. I was president for a couple of years and because of that I got to work with and to know a lot of people who cared very much about singing in such an organization. I miss them to this day.
Since I was involved with the organization and really wanted the website to grow (as it has with the current board) I took quite a few pics hoping we could have plenty of BCS memories.
Sandy Dolby, ?-2016
Story: Though various circumstances conspired to push me into dropout status after years of singing with BCS, I have many fond memories I will always treasure. Helping present Annelies in 2014 was definitely the most moving experience, but one of my favorite memories is our performance of the entire 1743 version of Handel’s Messiah in 2004. The orchestra included artists from the Bloomington Early Music Festival, and the concertmaster, Gesa Kordes, explained to the chorus the rationale for including period instruments and made us aware of the differences these instruments would make in our performance. The experience was enlightening, and performing the piece was, for me, one of the highlights of my time in BCS.
Pat Slabach, 2017-present
Just joined the group a few years ago. This is such a fantastic group of amateur singers, led by a wonderful professional director, who takes the time to explain the music. We learn so much every week. I am honored to be a part of this fine organization. I want to instill the love of music, by my example, to my children and grandchildren.